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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jay's expectations have been leaped over by 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK


Dream-like first place, I can't believe it... since I have a suspicion disease hehe
worried over how fans told me to take 'sunguri' off, wondering if it
was really crappy (T/N: 'Sunguri' is another informal/slang-ish way of
saying sunglasses and 'guri' can mean 'stink' or 'crappy')
My six star tattoos, yearning towards 2PM? There's no real meaning

was an appearance on broadcast for the first time in the mighty time
of a year and eight months. Having debuted in 2PM and now standing solo,
singer Park Jaebum stepped up quickly as no. 1 on his comeback stage
in KBS 2TV 'Music Bank' as if quenching his thirst of a long wait.

first solo mini album 'TAKE A DEEPER LOOK' that had been released on
April 27th has sold 50 000 copies so far, and 20 000 more copies are
being made additionally. It has also showcased its power in taking 3rd
place in American Billboard charts' 'World Album' chart on the fifth.

stunned because it's more than I'd hoped for. I'm suspicious if this
is all real. Since I'm the kind of person with a lot of suspicion, I
can't believe the things that all happened spontaneously."

Jaebum's face was surprisingly passive as he said these words. Even
though he is receiving hotter popularity than he expected, he said, "I
had this pride of having to do well since it's my first time standing on
the stage after a long time. It's a relief I didn't fail to meet my
fans' anticipation."

He's the type to not smile much or talk on a
daily basis. Because of his stoic expression, he sometimes gets
misunderstood, but to this, he gave the mature answer of "It's okay.
They're all things we experience as we live on." After we got closer
and opened up to each other, he made bland attempts at humor as well.
when I was rookie, when we started activities under the name 2PM, I
hadn't trembled, but this time my hands and feet kept shaking. Back
then, I didn't tremble since I didn't have many singing parts. I just
had to do the somersault at the end well. Hahaha."

As he passed
on his fans' reactions, he told his 'sunguri' anecdote as he said,
"There is a lot of good words, but I've heard bad talk as well."

my music video, I appear with sunglasses on, and fans told me to
'please just don't wear sunguri'. After hearing that, I really worried
about if my appearance was really 'crappy'."

He had been
misunderstanding 'sunguri', which netizens used to describe
'sunglasses' in shortened form. Having found out now that the way fans
meant it was different from his truth, he smiles widely saying, "It's
good that I found out now, at least."

● "Idol? I'm just a singer"

Jaebum's fans are mostly female fans in the age range of late
twenties~thirties. After being surprised about idols not having that
many fans in their first decade, he stated, "Am I an idol? I'm just a

"I'm not sure what kind of charm I have. Like I don't
know how the reaction's positive towards my new music. Noonas say that
I'm 'sexy on stage', am I?"

My gaze was caught by the
star-shaped tattoo on Park Jaebum's neck. Looking closely, they're six
stars. He said that he'd drawn them in on his neck without a special
meaning. When asked if it was portraying his yearning for 2PM, now
working as a six-membered group, he asks to not overanalyze it. "Fans
made up the meaning that it's the Big Dipper and the one remaining star
is me. There really isn't any other meaning."

The word he used to describe the feeling he had about becoming a solo seperated from a group was "anticipation".

are pros and cons. The pro is that I can do whatever music I want to
do. The con is that it's kind of hard to show it alone on stage. Also, I
can't speak Korean well and when I talk long in it or stutter with it,
I make a lot of mistakes."

He said that there was no loneliness
or emptiness about "being alone". "I'm not lonely because there are
dancers I've been with a long time and friends who've helped out with
my music producing by my side. There are actually more comfortable
parts. There's also a want to work as a group again with them."

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Name: Elsie N.R.E Class: X.1 School: in Jakarta,SMA 102