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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lee Hyori reveals her older sister

Have you ever wondered how the members of Lee Hyori’s family looked like? Well for starters, let’s take a look at her older sister!

On May 30th, Lee Hyori tweeted, “Does my older sister look like me?”, and attached a few photos of her family.

In the first photo, Lee Hyori is seen smiling alongside her older sister, who seems to share the same eyes, nose, and bright smile as her younger sister. However, the second photo held a sweet surprise for netizens, since it snapped a baby in the background. Could it be Hyori’s niece or nephew?

In response to the photos, netizens said, “When I saw you two together a while back, I thought you two looked alike but now that I’ve seen both of you again, you both really look similar!”, “They look like warm sisters”, “Both of you share the same beauty”, “I agree that you two have superior genes”, and “Is the baby in the background your older sister’s baby? I’m curious.”

What do you think of the sisters? Do they share the same features?


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Name: Elsie N.R.E Class: X.1 School: in Jakarta,SMA 102