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Thursday, June 9, 2011

SNSD's 'Mr Taxi' English Version by Allison Veltz

Allison Veltz original version of 'Mr Taxi' has been circulating on-line calling the attention of SONEs.

Before a commotion starts about who is the one copied who, it is important to mention that the track was originally written by Allison Veltz, Paolo Prudencio, Charles M. Royc, Scott Pearson Mann and STY. So it is not a plagiarize case or anything similar.

This version of 'Mr. Taxi' is performed in English by Allison and might be a demo version of the track. It sounds quite good in English giving different feeling of the one presented by SNSD. Listen to it and remember that the original writer is the one singing it so try to understand the feelings she wanted to share with this track.


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Name: Elsie N.R.E Class: X.1 School: in Jakarta,SMA 102