The show largely exists to eradicate the belief that idol stars are "3-second-singers" by having them showcase their vocal talents through a television show.
When it came time for Super Junior's Yesung to take the stage, his performance was preceded by a heart-wrenching story. Yesung explained that back in his trainee days, he was invited to DBSK's debut performance. As he was watching the performance, he saw his parents in the audience, shedding tears over DBSK's stage. Even though he was older than the members of DBSK at the time, he had yet to debut into his own group, likely causing his parents to fret over their son's uncertain future. He then broke down into tears after witnessing his parents' tears. Yesung concludes his touching story on an optimistic note, speaking of how he's grateful to his parents and how they've fueled him on towards reaching the amount of success he's achieved in his life thus far.
Yesung then belted out a captivating rendition of "One Man" by Kim Jong Gook for his "Immortal Song 2" performance, entrancing audience members and viewers alike.
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