So the Canadian guy Shayne who appears as MBC's "The Great Birth Star" is now exchanging tweets with Teen Top Chunji. Recently he revealed that his favorite kpop song is Teen Top's Supa Luv"
Read their convo below:
@shayneorok 안녕하세요? ^^ 팔로우 완료!!!
저희 틴탑의 Supa Luv을 좋아해주신다니 감동이에요~
14일 캐나다로 간다는 얘기 들었어요ㅠ 다시 한국으로 올 때 함께 무대에서 Notting better 부르고 싶어요ㅋ 저도 Notting better 좋아하거든요~
저희도 멋진 모습으로 컴백할 테니 지켜봐주세요!! 형!!
(다음에 만날 땐 좀 더 친근하게 형~이라고 부를 수 있도록 친해져요. 옆에서 캡형은 친구래요^^) -천지-
@shayneorok Hello? ^^ (I) Followed You!!!
I am so touched that you like we, Teen Top's song, 'Supa Luv'~
I heard that you're going to Canada on the 14thㅠIf you come to Korea again, (I) want to sing Notting better together with youㅋ I also like Notting better~
We'll show the cool vibe on comeback, please wait!! Hyung!!
(Later when we meet, let's be more friendly, I'll call you hyung~ so that we can be more friendly. C.A.P hyung next to me is as old as you^^) -Chunji-
@teen_top 안녕하세요! 와우 대박 ~ *^^* 나도 'nothing better' 노래 좋아요!
@teen_top hello!wah Daebak*[T/N: Amazing, etc] ~ *^^* I also like 'nothing better'! :)I know Teen Top comeback, I'm a fanㅎㅎㅎTeen Top hwaiting^___^ (!!!) i'm cheering for you
Source: Teen Top's Twitter + Shayne Orok's Twitter
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